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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Finally A Blog!

Sorry for the inconvenience of the layout change that has been and still is taking affect.  The main reason for the change was to have the addition of this blog to the site!

So now that I can actually talk with the people that are viewing my pictures I would like to backtrack a little and talk about why I am doing all of this. 

Really everything has stemmed from how I have been viewing the world and how I seem to get the most out of what life has to offer. 

My favorite thing is to walk around and really "take in" the beauty of my surroundings.  I let life take me where it is going to take me but Ill be damned if I don't take the time to stop and smell the flowers on the way.  

So after a while I started becoming obsessed with capturing those moments in which I am at peace with the world, and try to re-create not just the image but the feeling that goes along with it. 

So my goal is to share those moments with you and try to present them to you as vividly and intriguingly as possible.

Hopefully with this blog I will be able to get some feedback from anyone out there who is taking the time to read this and view my images!  

If you are one of those people I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart and I hope that you feel a little "at peace" with some of the images.